Posts Tagged "repeal"

US Congressmen Call on Governors

Posted on Sep 30, 2012 in Legislation, News | 0 comments

US Congressmen Call on Governors

The United States Supreme Court ruled significant parts of the Medicaid Expansion of the President's Healthcare Law unconstitutional as well as ruling that the Individual Mandate violated the Commerce Clause and will therefore be implemented as a punative tax on the middle class. A group of US Congressmen asked the National Governors Association to help them stop this Government takeover of healthcare...

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The Legal Battle Has Just Begun

Posted on Aug 15, 2012 in News | 0 comments

The Legal Battle Has Just Begun

Jonathan Adler is a law professor and director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve University. Michael Cannon is director of health policy studies at the Cato Institute. Added to on June 25, 2012 This article appeared in USA Today on June 25, 2012. Even if the Affordable Care Act survives its first Supreme Court test — a ruling is due as early as today — the lawsuits won’t end. Citizens have already filed challenges to what critics call the law’s “death panel” and its impact on privacy rights, religious liberty and...

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