Endorsements & Awards

I have received the following endorsements and recognition for my work as a public servant.


  • National Rifle Association A+ Rating
  • Idaho Chooses Life
  • Idaho Association of Industry and Commerce
  • Idaho Recreation Council
  • Idahoans for Choice in Education
  • National Federation of Independent Business


  • Honorary State Farmer – FFA
  • Friend of Agriculture – Idaho Farm Burea
  • Friend for Life – Idaho Chooses Life
  • Statesman of the Year – Corner Stone Institute
  • Friend of Co-Ops – Idaho Cooperative Council
  • Friend of Adams County Health Center – Adams County Health Center
  • Ag All Star – Idaho Food Producers
  • Citation of Merit – Disabled American Veterans

Finally, I am honored to serve the people of Idaho, and am also honored that my peers in the Idaho Legisature have chosen me as their number one leader –Speaker of the House.