
“Denney is a Godly Man”

Posted on Oct 30, 2014 in News, The Rest of the Story | 0 comments

During a visit to Idaho in support of his friend Lawerence Denney and his run for Idaho Secretary of State, Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson shared why he believes Denney is a “Godly Man…” See another of Phil Robertson’s comments

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Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Shares His Thoughts with Idaho

Posted on Oct 30, 2014 in News, The Rest of the Story | 0 comments

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson shared earlier this year a few thoughts on why he believes Lawerence Denney should be Idaho’s next Secretary of State, and gave Denney a “target” to shoot for in the way of a Daniel Webster quote.   See an additional video from Phil Robertson here!  

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Denney Out to Early Lead as Primary Votes Come In

Posted on May 20, 2014 in Interviews, News | 0 comments


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Denney Shines in PBS Secretary of State Debate

Posted on May 15, 2014 in Editorials, News, The Rest of the Story | 0 comments

Lawerence Denney proved again with last evening’s Secretary of State Debate that he is the most experienced and well rounded candidate for the coming election. Denney showed his Idaho roots and grounded experience while answering questions and explaining his credentials for the position. He clearly was the gentleman of the group by sticking to the issues and deflecting personal attacks with a smile. These are traits well known to those who worked with him in the Statehouse for many years and confirmed his leadership experience. Denney, has been crisscrossing the state for...

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An Endorsement Letter from Rep. Sharon Block

Posted on May 13, 2014 in Editorials, News, The Rest of the Story | 0 comments

(as originally sent to the Times News by 6-term Twin Falls Republican Representative Sharon Block) Dear Editor, Lawerence Denney is a candidate for Idaho’s Secretary of State who has the outstanding qualities needed for this important position. He has served Idaho well as a member of the Idaho State Legislature for the past 20 years. As a fellow legislator in the Idaho House of Representatives, I had the privilege of working with Representative Denney for 12 years. As I watched him rise through the House ranks, serving first as a Legislator, then Assistant Majority Leader, Majority Leader,...

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Wednesday Night Live with Ralph Lillig

Posted on May 10, 2014 in Editorials, Interviews, News | 0 comments

Rep. Lawerence Denney joins Ralph Lillig for a live in-studio audience broadcast of Pocatello’s Wednesday Night Live!

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