Tis the season of…

Posted on Dec 19, 2016 in Featured, Interviews, News, Press Releases | 0 comments

liberal_coloradoExcerpted from an article from the Washington Post - (Read full article here)

Secretary of State Lawerence Denney will escort Idaho’s four Electoral College Electors to the office of Governor Butch Otter today to perform their civic duty of submitting Idaho’s Electoral College ballots for President (and Vice President) of the United States.  While the Idaho delegates are prepared for the group of protestors that have been at the Capital building since early this morning, others in similar positions throughout the country continue to face insults, threats, and an onslaught of mail and calls in what the Washington Post calls a last ditch, failed effort.

“Just like the recounts in Wisconsin and Michigan, this last-ditch Stop Trump effort is doomed to fail. Trump will win today, and a joint session of Congress will officially certify him as the 45th president of the United States on Jan. 6.”

In the article, the Post quotes Secretary Denney’s earlier press release, urging citizens to act with civility and respect toward Idaho’s electors, and those around the country.  “Attempting to sway an elector’s commitment to their party through insults, vulgar language, or threats simply lacks civility…”