Congressman, Treasurer Add Names to Denney Endorsements

Posted on Apr 15, 2014 in News, Press Releases | 0 comments

Idaho Congressman and Idaho State Treasurer add to growing list of supporters of Lawerence Denney for Secretary of State
Raul Labrador and Ron Crane point to Denney’s experience as a legislator, business owner and principled conservative

April 15, 2014 - Idaho Congressman Raul Labrador and Idaho State Treasurer Ron Crane endorsed Lawerence Denney for Idaho Secretary of State on Tuesday, pointing to his business and political experience and his dedication to conservative principles and fair elections. The endorsements highlight Denney’s growing list of Idaho leaders who support his campaign.

About two dozen supporters attended the noon news conference in the Capitol Rotunda. Labrador, who was an ally of Denney’s when they served together in the Idaho State Legislature, expressed his appreciation for the time Denney spent mentoring him as a newly elected state representative. “I have always admired Lawerence Denney’s integrity, tenacity and commitment to doing what is right,” said Labrador. “If you want somebody who will fight for you, protect your lands, protect your ballot and protect everything that is important to Idaho, Lawerence Denney is the man for the job.”

Crane said he has known Denney for 25 years, including when they both served in the Idaho House, and praised Denney as a man of principle and strong conservative beliefs. He said Denney will enforce a fair elections process and will also serve as a strong advocate for the free market on the Land Board, where the Secretary of State joins the Governor, Attorney General, Controller and Superintendent of Public Instruction in setting policy for Idaho’s endowment trust lands. “The Land Board is a critical position and Lawerence has the business and political experience to make him a strong advocate for Idaho. He’s been a farmer and rancher and worked in the logging industry. He understands natural resources,” Crane said. “He’s not going to be interested in locking up land so people don’t have access to it. He’ll strongly support multiple use. He’s the natural fit for the job.”

Denney said he appreciates the support from Representative Labrador and Treasurer Crane. He reminded the crowd that his business and political experience set him apart from the other candidates in this race. “This is an election where experience counts. Unlike other candidates in this race, I have experience in the private sector and running my own business. I also have political experience. I have served in the state legislature fighting for less government and better protection of your natural resources. I also served for 6 years as Speaker of the House,” Denney said.

Denney added he would promote high standards as Secretary of State. “I was surprised to see our current Secretary of State endorse somebody in this race. Because of the appearance of conflict of interest, as Secretary of State, I will not serve as anyone’s campaign chairman for any campaign over which I serve as the chief election judge. Doing otherwise sends the wrong message for the chief elections officer.”